Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Merry Christmas Charlie Brown

It has been a couple of years since I have seen "A Charlie Brown Christmas," but watching it tonight was like visiting with an old friend. Before the days of DVDs or video tapes you had watch it when the network decided (usually only once or twice during the season.) I think this made us appreciate these gems more than this generation of children, who have so much at their fingertips. (Or should I say remote control?) I remember checking the television listing to make sure we didn't miss this classic, waiting all day anticipating and finally the joy of snuggling up only to have the show end way too soon.

I find I still love this wonderfully politically incorrect movie. As Charlie Brown searches for the true meaning of Christmas he throws himself into the Christmas play—Oh no! shouldn't that be the holiday play. Charlie Brown finally finds the true meaning of Christmas as explained by Linus and he actually uses the Biblical account from Luke 2:8-14. I pray that each of you, like Charlie Brown will find the true meaning of Christmas as explained by Linus in this video:

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